Where am I supposed to hide my body?

  • DestinyDyson
    7th Sep 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    I accidentally erased myself from the fabric of space-time and my consciousness and my body has been spilt and I would like to hide my body before the *redacted* possesses it. Any guidance would be appreciated!

    Edited 2 times by DestinyDyson. Last: 7th Sep 2023
  • Rebmiami
    21st Sep 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    This has happened to me before, so I hope I can help.


    First of all, what plane of existence is your consciousness currently inhabiting? In an event like this, there are many places it can end up. Here are some pointers:

    - Can you still see the real world but only interact with it weakly? In this case, you've likely become a ghost. Your best shot is to find someone paranoid and begin slightly shifting around their furniture until they believe they're being haunted. If someone believes in you, then you will become more real, and you should be able to move your old body as needed.

    - Are you trapped in an abstract plane with floating shapes in all directions? In this case, you're currently in the Nexus. The Nexus is shaped by your consciousness, and parts of it will reveal or unveil themselves depending on your thoughts. Try to think about different things until you see a shape consisting of pointy black triangles radiating upwards from a circle. Swim towards it and enter the circle to return to the real world.

    - Are you stuck in limbo with nothing but your consciousness and an infinite white void? Unfortunately, the only way to escape is to accept limbo. Stop fighting it. Become one with the void.


  • NotTechnicallyAChair
    7th Oct 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Is this general advice or specific to Mr. Dyson?

  • Rebmiami
    11th Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @NotTechnicallyAChair (View Post)

     It depends on your situation. Generally, taking advice on the metaphysical from someone who doesn't know your specific case is a bad idea, as making the wrong decision while separated from your body can result in irreversible fungibilitization.